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Video: Author signing at Oak Lawn Library Oct. 25

Video: Author signing at Oak Lawn Library Oct. 25

Author Aaron Hanania discusses his book “The King’s Pawn” He gave a speech at the Oak Lawn Library south of Chicago on October 25th.

Aaron spoke about many topics including his writing process, how others can manage their time, how to find and identify a “Good Story,” and other topics. He took questions and answers from the audience (most of whom is behind the camera).

During this Q and A session he revealed a lot of behind the scenes information about himself and his book. He noted things like the symbolism in the cover art, how he remembered details, how he re-created life and other topics!

Here is the video. Click here to view the video or use the widget below:

Aaron talked about many aspects of writing his book including urging schools to bolster their English classes to include and start sooner teaching how to identify the “Good Story” and not just teaching the mechanics of grammar and writing.

He also discusses how he developed characters in his novel and created dialogue he said needed to be realistic to readers.

Aaron Hanania author signing for his book “The King’s Pawn” at the Oak Lawn Library Oct. 25, 2018

The author signing lasted two hours from 6 pm until 8 pm.

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