Equipment purchased and delivered to Orphanage
By Aaron Hanania
I am proud to have received this letter and photos from the primary doctor at the Orphanage in Ekaterinburg where all of the funds raised were donated for my Mitzvah Project.
I want to thank everyone again for being so generous to not only help me with my Mitzvah Project, but also to donate to help bring some badly needed supplies to the Orphanage in Ekaterinburg in Russia.
Thank you
Aaron Hanania
Here is the letter and the photos:
Dear Friends,
Let me provide you with some pictures, regarding the donation items delivery in the Orphanage.
For more convenient posting on Aaron’s site I also provided them separately as a mail enclosure. The orphanage director (the Head Doctor) currently is Dr. Larisa. At a time when Aaron was adopted it was another director – Dr. Irina. Now Dr. Irina is still working at the orphanage as a social worker and the Methodist.
Next what the orphanage got – the 6 Kitchen Faucets with extended shower for every unit. Dr. Larisa let me take the picture of the old one, installed in one of the unit. She said that it was in a average condition but leaking badly as well as the others. The old faucets were made in Russia and the quality was not satisfactory – below.
The new facets made in Denmark – very high quality and will serve long time I believe. Unfortunately as a default they provided with the European tubes only which were not suitable for Russia but we bought adapter sets for every Faucet (you may see it in a plastic bags above the black boxes).
Inside the box there are a lot of tools for easy connection, EU guarantee and detailed user manual provided. All looks very good, heavy and reliable.
I will keep you posted regarding the installation of the Faucets, using Otoscopes and further purchasing.
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